20 Temmuz 2015 Pazartesi

Adamus/Saint Germain

Dear Friends, darlings, I am opening my self for your knowing me, I am me
Adamus from the sovereign area
I am here to bless you, as if you need this
Do not worry, energy will flow easy tonight
I am here not to supplement to your mental fatigues but to hold your hands in the same circle to solve them
You plunged into a period of enough intensity, see that
All and all of them exist to serve you
Before, I want to dissolve one of your mental circles
Lovers, ask yourself what you do in that times when your godlike knowledge and your godness encounter
You walked along all that spirituel roads
You read books
Your are still following the messages
The remarkable reminders point into just one thing
A simple and plane reality; it is your Godness
This is so and nothing more gonna happen
Even there are so much different topics
Even there are so much techniques given
All are the total of incitements for your choosing to line up yourself with this point
Unfortunately this is that
You, the enlightened ones, may be choosing to ignore all these simplicity; as you are already respondent to the business in your personal and social lifes
You say: no, plase give us things to struggle for
You are most usually begging for this
Isn't it weird?
However, you, the precious old soul, will say to me: no you are wrong
I want simplicity in my life
Yes I want health
I want some abındance, really not much
You will say: I don't want disorder, I am so tired anyway
This is really a trauma
I really want you to launch yourself suddenly up alongside us
You are gonna be shocked when you see your wishes became visible in your lifes
Godness is simple and at a point that mind can not understand; for is reason it is so beautiful; and for this reason your access is supposedly difficult
You begin to touch It on every step you wake up from dream
This is the real question you should ask in your inner silent space
When I say HAPPEN, am I really ready to create this? Right now!
Shall I let it out?
Shall I release myself on the arms of my Godness
Shall the things in my heart and running out my lips happen?
I am a part of you
This is the principal level of my existence; because your are also a part of me and I know you
Actually I can see the horror in your minds when I put the reality of your Godness in front of your eyes as such simply and strikingly
Do you suppose it is your heart inviting doubt after a moment of one second?
Are you really ready everything in your mind, everything you say yes to happen?
Are you really not ready for this or are you choosing to sleep over by convincing yourself its impossibility
Your flash on the other side of the mirror is calling these to the scream of your part here
Are you ready to split off your human dress?
Or are you choosing to say : stop a while and I will wait for the autumn fashion?
You are not your fears even this seems so real
You are saying: You do not understand Adamus, it is not easy to split off these situaitons as soon; it is not easy to give live to the Godness
Please see the beauty of the paradox in these words
The Gods; who knows his Godness and who creates complication to reach it, who sets time
Yeah, you are so unique and wonderfull and I love you for this reason
Today is that and it is same like everyday from here
The different thing is the intention of baby gods to leave his toys

Channelling by : M.H.

Translation by : Begum Akbuga

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